
Questioning Technology

Winter Term course at Middlebury College

Image shows the home page of a Canvas course site for the Questioning Technology course, featuring a large image of Pepper the smiling robot, with the text Welcome We're so glad you're here

Course Description

In this course, we will critically approach and think deeply about the ways in which we shape, and are shaped by digital technologies of the 21st century. What does society give up for the benefits of a given technology? Who is harmed and who benefits from the technology? What are the unexpected impacts of the technology? Informed by texts such as More Than a Glitch, Weapons of Math Destruction, Design Justice, and Race After Technology, we will explore contexts such as surveillance, privacy, exploitative tech, discriminatory design, and AI. We’ll also explore speculative futures as a framework for imagining a different future with technology.

Inclusive Design and Design Justice in Practice

Winter Term course at Middlebury College

screenshot of the home page of the course website from 2021, featuring a colorful spraypainted heart on a black background

Course Description

Inclusive design is intentional, participatory, and iterative design work that supports a range of human diversity, with the goal of counteracting exclusionary, racist, or exploitative designs that pervade our society. In this class, we will learn about inclusive design and design justice through a project-based approach in which students put inclusive design principles into practice in their own project. These inclusive design principles and processes can be broadly applied across industries and design contexts, including but not limited to architectural, technology/UX design, and curriculum design. Our work will be informed by texts including Design Justice: Community-Led Practices to Build the Worlds We Need; Race After Technology: Abolitionist Tools for the New Jim Code; What Can a Body Do? How We Meet the Built World; and Mismatch. Co-developed and co-taught with Dr. Amy Collier.

2021 Course Website
2022 Course Website
2023 Course Website


I design and teach workshops for faculty and staff on a variety of topics, including:

  • Supporting Learner Engagement in Online Courses (video playlist)
  • Creating Accessible Digital Materials
  • Introduction to the Middlebury Online Course Design Rubric
  • Using UDL to Identify Barriers to Student Learning in Your Course

Camp Design Online

In Spring 2020, I was the lead designer on the team who created Camp Design Online, to support faculty in transitioning their teaching to remote and fully online modalities. During Summer 2020, my DLINQ colleagues and I facilitated 5 cohorts of faculty through Camp Design, and we have run sessions of Camp in Fall 2020 and January 2021.

screenshot of home page of website for Camp Design Online

Undergraduate and Graduate Courses in Instructional and Educational Technology

From 2008-2018, I was professor of Instructional Technology in the College of Education at Towson University. In my 10 years at Towson, I taught in person, hybrid, and fully online courses in instructional technology and qualitative research methods at the masters and doctoral levels. Courses taught include:

  • Towson Seminar: Living and Learning in a Digital Society (undergraduate)
  • Integrating Instructional Technology (undergraduate)
  • Foundations in Instructional Technology (graduate)
  • Web-based Instruction in Education (graduate)
  • Instructional Design and Development (graduate)
  • Advanced Web Applications in Education (graduate)
  • Research Foundations of Instructional Technology (graduate)
  • Qualitative Research Methods in Education (graduate)
  • Advanced Qualitative Research Methods (graduate)
  • Instructional Technology Dissertation (graduate)
black and white sketch of branch of a plant with oval-shaped leaves